Ittakes place among business entities, in market and market places, within organizations and betweenvarious groups of employees, owners and employees, buyers and sellers, service providers andcustomers, sales persons and prospects and also between people within the organization and the press persons. The success of any business to a large extent depends on efficient and effective communication. Global challenges and the communication processes are structured and delivered.The present workforce is dynamic in nature so communication is a challenge when executed against the backdrop of culture, technology and competition. Organizations can only survive if they accept the rapidly changing So it is the determining factor to communication inside the organization.Good Business communication practices assist the organization in achieving its goal of informing, persuading, favorable relationship, and organizational goodwill. Business communication is interlinked with internal culture and external image of any organization. 1.1 Introduction: Business communication skills are critical to the success of any organization despite its size, geographical location, and its mission. Effective business communication helps in building goodwill of an organization. But now with advent of technology, we have cell phones, video conferencing, emails, satellite communication to support business communication. In early times, business communication was limited to paper-work, telephone calls etc. Business Communication is regulated by certain rules and norms. The rules, regulations and policies of a company have to be communicated to people within and outside the organization. Communication gaps should not occur in any organization. It is essential for success and growth of an organization.

There should be effective communication between superiors and subordinated in an organization, between organization and society at large (for example between management and trade unions). Immediate feedback can be obtained and misunderstandings if any can be avoided. Communication here plays a very important role in process of directing and controlling the people in the organization. Greater the number of levels, the more difficult is the job of managing the organization. There are various levels of hierarchy in an organization.

Feedback is integral part of business communication. Business communication involves constant flow of information. The basic functions of management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling) cannot be performed well without effective communication. Communication needs to be effective in business. It is the mutual exchange of understanding, originating with the receiver. Unit-1 Business Communication 1.0 Objective Communication is neither transmission of message nor message itself.